Liketa Human
February 2018, Copper
Homo Ovis Sapicidae
Remains of the Liketa Human (Homo Ovis Sapicidae) have been found in North America in the Appalachian region and are believed to date back to 185,000 YA. Through extensive research, scientists have found that the Liketa’s skull has the attributes of a Human (Homo Sapien), a Woodpecker (Picidae) and a Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis). Scientists believe that the Liketa can withstand forces up to 350,000g to the head, and not suffer any injuries or brain trauma. Analysis reveals that this is due to similar skull traits carried by the Bighorn Sheep (which can withstand 346,700g) and the Woodpecker (which can withstand 1200g). For comparison, a Human experiences concussion when impacts reach 80-100g. Liketa’s muscles, along with its hollow pneumatic horn core attached to its respiratory system, slow the return of blood from the head to the body, thus increasing blood volume that fills the brain’s vascular tree. This creates an effect that allows the brain to fit closely to the skull, minimizing the impacts within the skull. Scientists are unsure of what this protection was used for, however, multiple collectors of this artifact have stated that the Liketa Human would make an unstoppable football player.
Donated by: Keegan Barone
Concussion Headpieces: Sculptures
May 2018, Steel Wire, Clear Acrylic
Documentation of headpieces worn in Concussion Headpieces Photo Series.
These headpieces are both responses to the concussion crisis in American Football. Both of these wearable sculptures are intended to only be worn by a person who has experienced a concussion.
The wire headpiece is representative of the impact of a concussion on the brain itself. In shaping this piece I focused on how the brain bounces around the skull and how this creates significant damage. The "barbed wire" look of the piece is used to create both a visualization of the violent motion as well as the damaging impact. Underneath the wire that crosses over, there is an underlying framework of a football helmet mask, tying it closer to concussions within American football.
The "shattered glass" headpiece speaks to the fragility of the human brain as it floats inside the skull. The choice of using a transparent material is to speak to the invisibility of this injury and how it can not be seen from the outside. This piece also can be seen as a visualization of how concussions can have a lasting effect on the brain later on in life.
Speak No Evil Project
November 2019
Contributions: concept developer, wearables designer, emblem designer, cover designer.
The concept of the wearables came from the title of the song along with the hook of the song “speak no evil”. When hearing this line, I think of “The Three Wise Monkeys” where one speaks no evil, one hears no evil and one sees no evil. In a broader context, these wearables, within the context of the video are about technology, fashion and other materialistic objects blinding the people and inhibiting them from seeing, hearing and being able to speak the truth.
There were many different ideas that were thought about in the making of these specific objects. When thinking about what to create for the mouth piece, I thought through a few designs that would cover the mouth, to directly represent an inhibition of speech. However, when thinking through this concept, I began to think about the use of muzzles on slaves and the different connotations this would have in this music video. Listening more to the lyrics of the song for inspiration, I was drawn to the line by Jasiri X, “smile showing all of my teeth”. Within the rest of the context of the lyrics, this line to me was about how he feels forced to smile through life, even though he is not happy with the situation he, and more broadly, his people are in. So with this dental cheek retractor, I am visually representing a forced grin on the faces of those wearing the devices, much as Jasiri expresses he often feels. This retractor also accomplishes what a muzzle would do as well, inhibit speech, and in this way it is an object that fits within the context of the song but is still an object with criticality. The ear pieces were inspired by the “air pod” phenomenon and how many people are often in their own world, at the mercy of these small white devices. Air pods inhibit you from hearing, and these devices are merely a representation of a device that already exists and is already taking control of us. The eyewear are a representation of being blinded or having your vision distorted. By being gold, they are a representation of how many in our society have their sights set on personal success and wealth without looking past their own self interest.
The wearable “Device 2.0” is a piece that I created after the video premiere. When looking back at the designs for the original wearables featured in the video, I was not completely satisfied with their design and how that design represented my concepts and how they relate to the message of the song. This diamond device has a bold design that I think would have emphasized the concept that Jasiri is making about feeling of the forced smile and feeling like it is part of the showmanship of life. Additionally, this piece speaks more to the idea that certain objects hold meaning within society. Similarly to Air Pods representing wealth, this diamond device is a representation of glamor and class, even if in reality it is inhibiting speech.
Documentation of gold wearables by: Serina Liu (http://serina.design/)
Album Cover & Emblem Fabrication
These emblems were in the music video as the emblem on Blak Rapps podium. Within the storyline of the music video, Blak’s character is a political figure, walking around, spreading their message. Inspired by this concept, I thought to the political symbols present in our country. The design of this emblem was then ultimately based off of one of the most recognizable seals in the United States— the President’s seal.
The idea to alter the presidential seal was not my own. In recent news in our country, the president had stood in front of a presidential seal that had the eagle with two heads, representing ties with Russia, and a bag of gold clubs in one of the talons. This even encouraged me to alter the seal in my own way to represent the lyrics and concepts within the song.
In designing this emblem I did further research into the design of the presidential seal. I found that, the eagle holds a bundle of 13 arrows in its left talon (referring to the 13 original states), and an olive branch in its right talon, together symbolizing that the United States has "a strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war." These two objects and their meanings were why I decided to replace them with objects that were relevant to the concepts within the song. The 13 arrows originally in the eagles left talon that represent the 13 original states is replaced with a whip. This replacement is about the creation of this country was built on slavery. This song is about the inequalities that are still prevalent in our country because of its history. The olive branch, a symbol for peace, in the context of this emblem is a symbol for the desire for peace. This desire for peace has been replaced with an AK-47. In relation to the song, Jasiri raps “we in the hood with the shooters”. Overall, this assault weapon is a representation of the violence in the United States both with guns and the violence within our culture and society through our interactions and what is said by those in power.
Additionally, I have also chosen to place the title of the song “speak no evil” in the beak of the eagle in replacement of "E PLURIBUS UNUM” which means “one of many”. This motto is about the 13 colonies coming together as one nation. I replaced this with this lyric as an indicator of the song title, and also in order to emphasize that this song should be used to unite us. The final alteration to the seal is the eye of Ra in place of the American flag in the crest. This was inspired by Blak Rapps tattoo of the eye of Horus on their forehead. Both the eye of Horus and Ra are similar in design. The eye of Horus is the left eye and is a symbol of protection and the eye of Ra is a symbol for good luck. This is an indication of Blak being accompanied by their counterpart, and carrying good luck with them.
Speak No Evil Video
See it all come together in the final video. A collaborative music video created for the Wats:ON? Festival. Featuring Blak Rapp & Jasiri X.
July 2015 SAIC Installations
Blow Me
Plaster, Whistle, Bike pump, Tubing, Wood
Plaster, Wood, Lace
Balls and Hands
Plaster, Basketballs, Concrete, Dowels